Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tesla Roadster

Petroleum is a limited resource and a vexing source of price spikes, geopolitical instability, and environmental disasters of epic proportions. Petroleum currently fuels 95% of the United States transportation sector, a sector that demands nearly 28% of total energy usage. Globally, demand for personal transportation is increasing while reserves are decreasing. Not only is petroleum a diminishing resource, but it is also a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.  

The United States Federal Government has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by 2020. In Europe, renewable energy should account for 20 percent of energy consumption by 2020. Germany alone has more than quadrupled the amount of renewable energy feeding its grid in less than a decade.  Over the past five years, United States electricity generation from renewables has increased while coal decreased. As this shift happens, electric vehicles become even cleaner. In California, renewables (13%) contribute more to the grid than coal (12%).



  1. The Tesla Roadster costs about 100,000 dollars. Are there any affordable alternative electrical cars that the average American would be able to purchase?

  2. I would also like to know if there are cheaper alternative electric cars. Average middle class Americans will not be able to afford a car like this. Are they working on making more affordable cars if there aren't any alternatives?

  3. Are they working to produce more types of alternative electrical cars? Cheaper ones?

  4. The 2011 Chevy Volt is an electric car that cost 32,780

  5. This sounds like a great new way to begin using renewable energy, but are they working to make full size vehicles that cam transport more than one or two people?

  6. I do remember hearing about the chevy volt, $33,000 is a lot better than $100,000. I also agree with Durgan that they need to make vehicles like trucks or SUV's that use renewable energy.

  7. Can we afford to make these cars? even if they will help they economy,price is something we have to think about. A lot of the country is in debt and cant afford cars, so what makes them think that it is going to be easy to make the more effiecent cars?

  8. Even 32,000 bucks for a car is pretty expensive for most people today. And like Durgan said about these cars only hold 1 or 2 people comfortably. It just doesn't seem worth the money.

  9. Will the electric cars have the same amount of power as the gas or are they going to have less, And if they plug in to a house outlet how much will it charge to your electric bill?
