Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tesla Roadster

Petroleum is a limited resource and a vexing source of price spikes, geopolitical instability, and environmental disasters of epic proportions. Petroleum currently fuels 95% of the United States transportation sector, a sector that demands nearly 28% of total energy usage. Globally, demand for personal transportation is increasing while reserves are decreasing. Not only is petroleum a diminishing resource, but it is also a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.  

The United States Federal Government has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by 2020. In Europe, renewable energy should account for 20 percent of energy consumption by 2020. Germany alone has more than quadrupled the amount of renewable energy feeding its grid in less than a decade.  Over the past five years, United States electricity generation from renewables has increased while coal decreased. As this shift happens, electric vehicles become even cleaner. In California, renewables (13%) contribute more to the grid than coal (12%).


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Philadelphia Eagles Go Green

It could be the first major stadium in the world to run completely on self-generated energy. That’s according to the Philadelphia Eagles NFL franchise. The Eagles’ Lincoln Financial Field will soon be outfitted with wind turbines, solar panels and a cogeneration plant powered by biodiesel and natural gas. The upgrades will make the stadium self-sufficient and save millions in energy costs. The Philadelphia Enquirer reports by opening day next September the upper rim of the field will be studded with 100 wind turbines. 2,500 solar panels are also planned for portions of the roof and facade. Those two upgrades will generate 30 percent of the total energy production for the stadium. A cogeneration plant built in a section of the parking lot will generate the remainder. It’s estimated the stadium will generate more than 1 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year. That’s enough to power about 260,000 homes. The Eagles partnered with renewable energy company Solar Blue to install and operate the system. SolarBlue invested about 30 million dollars in the upgrades and the Eagles have a 20 year contract to pay them for the electricity generated. After that, the franchise is free to use the energy it needs and sell any surplus to back to the electric grid.


Video about Philadelphia Eagles going green